FMT 111006

Out of context: Reply #45

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  • 81 Responses
  • mrdobolina0

    Ike Turner and His Kings of Rhythm - The Gulley…

    ha, never been there. Last summer I stood up in a wedding and this dude that was an usher was cool and he's like "you gotta meet my wife" so I go meet his wife and she is the sister of this girl I used to get with. She says "You look real familiar to me" and I said "I think I used to date your sister". then left. The rest of the night I could tell this girl was looking over at me and talking to her husband a lot. So later on the guy comes up to me and he's like "Yeah my wife remembers you 'dating' her sister" and he is all throwing air quotes up around dating and laughing and shit.

    wasted youth.

    E-pill, that game is fun, I have been pretty busy with all of these presentations for these corporate events lately so I havent had too much time to play it. but empire building is very cool.

    please post tracks up with your responses so the purists dont get tweaked about us hijacking the fmt.

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