Election Results

Out of context: Reply #69

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  • liquid0

    so you don't like what republicans are doing......fine....but I heard nothing nothing nothing about what dems are going to do about it...... no plan......it was all about......just dont vote republican because you are then supporting bush.....if you dont support bush....vote democrat..
    If the Dems pull this out you just watch what that "lame duck" does...
    (Nov 7 06, 17:30)
    You need 2/3rds..... so it doesnt matter anyway..... and just because you put things through on the house.....doesnt mean the senate will put it through (see clinton impeachment)

    So...IT ALL DON'T MATTER FOLKS......but yall that got new local democrat leadership..... get those wallets out.....cause your taxes are going to go up...

    So ..... america voted for a new direction....... this is what everyone is saying......great....what is the direction? get out of iraq? then what?

    I am sure Hillary when she gets in is going to be really hard with China on trade, Iran/N.Korea with nukes, the EU becoming a real union....

    So now when shit doesn't change in the next 8-10 years with Democrat leadership .....democrats will blame the republicans for the mess they left...... instead of a consistent direction.... we are all over the place ...

    The Clinton era was prosperous because Reagan and Bush Sr. did their jobs.... militarily and economically.... Clinton walked into the ride uphill...... because Clinton didn't take care of business.... didn't take care of a lot of the military things he had the chance to..... we were on our way down when Bush Jr. came into power.

    So..... maybe republicans have made a lot of mistakes (yes Iraq) but in terms of economically things are getting better.....

    In terms of our national debt..it hasn't been balanced since WW2 I think.... so that isn't an excuse either..

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