< Stimulus

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • 20 Responses
  • karlo0

    It just cracks me up what people write in order to attract clients.

    Nobody like being in the design world.

    and before you reply straight away... stop and think about it.

    can you move it to the left 1mm?

    Can you do it in one day?

    Can we have the text centred?

    We dont have a copy of out logo - you can just pull it off our website.

    You know what, I actually think that 9 on 10.5 rather than 10 makes the whole document so much more asthetically pleasing

    can you redesign it in an hour in Word please

    I need a full on CMS site doing - I have £600 to spend

    My answer to the above is - ITS ALL BOLLOX


    I think anyone who has been in the industry for more than a year actually knows it...

    "You'll find us at the front of every seminar"!?!?!

    By the fuck

    Rant over



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