Suicidal parent

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • thismanslife0

    I feel I should give more info...

    My parents have been separated for a few years, she's been living with a "new guy" for the past three years, and basically it's not working out, and she's pretty miserable about it, even though the split is her decision really. Ugh, it's hard work discussing relationships with your own parents! Basically, she called this morning in a state, crying so much she could barely speak, she's done this a few times recently... but this time she was saying all kinds of crazy things: "'d be better if I wasn't around" etc. Saying how my sister and I could both buy bigger houses with the money from inheriting her house etc, pretty weird/horrible. I picked her up and took her out for coffee and a long talk, then back to mine and I cooked us some dinner, then more chat, and then dropped her home
    again. She'd perked up loads during the day, had her laughing and telling stories. She felt embarrassed about the call that morning, but still... I dunno... Long emotional day!

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