What inspires you lot?

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  • ian0

    hobbies, comedy (Peter Kay, Richard Pryor, Bill Hicks, Eddie Murphy when he was funny), new music (bonobo, broken social scene, arcade fire, nathan fake), new films (I remember seeing donnie Darko when it came out the first time and just thinking how I wish I could do something as brilliant), comics, bartleby.com(for looking stuff up) jon burgermans illustrations, paper sample books, cool design books, the designers republic, tshirt graphics, graffiti, really bad horror films(except underworld evolution which I saw last night which sucks donkey balls), not talking to my creative director, the interweb, Ian Banks & Elmore Leonard novels, Indiana Jones (I still wanna be him when I grow up), 'The Elements of Typographic Style' by Robert Bringhurst, Asian supermarkets (weird colours/packaging & tasty food!), spending time with my niece Ruby who's 3 and now calls me Eeyore, nature, architecture, my lomo/fisheye, my friends and the fact that its friday and Im gonna get drunk tonight dagnammit!

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