
Out of context: Reply #4

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  • mg330

    I'm going to for sure. I'd like to order several, be a 3D Bansky gluing rats to the wall and stuff.

    I could place them on people's window ledges.

    See, our basement is clean, but every time I go down to do laundry i feel like one is going to run past me.

    In the past few months, I've had occurances with several rats.

    1) A seriously 1 foot long rat that looked like a squirrl lept out of the dumpster behind the building and ran under a car as I was lifing up the lid to put trash in.

    2) One ran across the sidewalk in front of my girlfriend and I at night. A big one too.

    3) Ran along edge of building and into sewer

    4) Came out from behind a corner in the alley and ran three feet in front of me and under a car. I squeeled loudly and a group of people saw me.

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