Freelance vs FT Benefits advice

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  • alloyd0

    I've been freelancing for almost 5 years now. I love it, I wouldn't change it for a FT unless it was something extremely good or if I got tired of freelancing. Extremely good as in a CTO or some exec job...that pays as good or better. I grew up poor as hell and w/o freelancing I wouldn't have been able to pay my tuition or buy a house having a low paying FT job.

    I def would NOT take the FT with a 20K+ cut b/c of benefits. If he's gonna take that cut, why not just use that cut from freelance to just pay for better benefits? Great benefits don't cost 20K. My fiance is in HR and I'm sure she would say that the very most you could pay being single, would be around $600 a month...and that's still only around $7K a year. I could think of a lot of things to do with 13K. That could be a start to college tutition for one of his kids if he decides to have one.

    Benefits from freelancing:
    - You decide how much BS you want to take.
    - You create your own hours.
    - You decide how much money you want to make.
    - Decide how many vacations you want to go on.
    - Get a ton of connections.
    - Work from home if you want.
    - Wear what you want.
    - You create your own ladder, you're building something that you made.

    There are some downsides to freelancing, of course. But the benefits far outweigh the downsides. To me at least. Freelancing isn't for everyone.

    If I were him, I'd stick with the hustle. And if he has kids, then the security of a FT and the benefits that it has to offer might be a better choice. But until then, tell him to continue doing his thing. Seems like he's been doing very well for himself. Freelancing is what you make of it.

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