Mick Rock

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • rasko40

    fuck I am sad and bored, I was compelled to send him this email just now:

    Dear Mick Rock,

    I am currently listening to your depressing tones on the wireless, I would just like to mention that nobody really gives a fuck that you are in 'New York City' so perhaps you could do away with saying 'Hi this is Mick Rock I'm in NYC' in between every record, in other news, nobody really gives a fuck about your irritating and relentless name-dropping about how you met so and so at some party in 1824, no doubt these people were also bored with your monotonous robotic voice rattling away and correctly found you to be a sad parasitic old hanger-on they could really do without spending time with - damn the record company for paying this chump to take some pictures.

    But yes, you are correct - I can always change the station and I think I will.

    Have a lovely time in NEW YORK CITY I hope you never get bored of your geographic location, I bet you have an MTA map shower curtain and a Yankees cap.

    Yours sincerely


    I think he read it as he comes on after the record with some silly over the top voice saying "HELLO THIS IS MICK ROCK, I'M IN NEW YORK CITY, AND I'M DOING IT AGAIN"

    lol I give him credit for that, I quite like him now

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