Naughty James rip?

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • Nairn0

    Is Rasko not entirely right?...

    "Peaches having a rather bad hair day.

    It's been a weird weekend, has this.
    On friday, like most indie kids in east London, i made my way to shoreditch to see my friends lost penguin & klaxons DJ at the second secret Merok rave. - I met my freinds Maeve and Charleigh Blue at the Old Blue Last and we went and chillaxed in Hoxton Square for a few hours.
    At midnight, we made our way to the secret location, and had a laugh for thirty mins.
    At this point, over thirty policemen raided the place. - we still had our wits about us and we left via the back, and headed into the street. Outside we could see scores of police, at this point i was asked to leave the area by a police man. We were in the street next to the rave location, he had no idea I had even been there. I mentioned to him that i was going to hoxtn square, and would like to carry on walking down the street. At this point, the policeman took in upon himself to assualt me, kicking me in the leg, then throwing me to the floor. I have a boot mark on my right leg, and bruised ribs. Sadly, i wasn't the only innocent fun seeker to cop a smack from a police officer. I saw at least eight kids.. girls and boys forcefully floored, all were trying to leave the area.

    I got to my feet and started to shout at the policeman, telling him that his time would be better spent busting real criminals and not a bunch of kids at a party. He then started verbally theatening me telling me i had coming what I deserved. Two other officers joined him, and they took it in turns to push me backwards.
    To my left, a young woman i noticed was recordingh the whole thing on a video camera. They saw her and tried to take the camera from her. I said to them, that if they were doing there job properly, why did they care if someone was recording them. At this point i was threatened with arrest.
    I left, took the girls number and am now deciding if i want to take this further.. im at odds as what to do, as technically i was tresspasing on private land (the officers did not know this though)

    My leg is killing me. Ouch."


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