Weird queston.

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • Crouwel0

    i once had, true story (so fucking weird and regretful i did not have means to record it), this weird experience when in a traffic jam. it was not a highway, more like one of the smaller suburban main roads towards the city center, where my radio station got strange noises and eventually pressed away as i slowly moved forward in the jam.

    on the right hand side there's one extremely posh corporate building, and nothing else. it's exceptionally large for the place and looks insanely expensiver by details. in the huge yard around it there's an oil-drill as a monument and it doesn't have ANY mention of the name of the company anywhere. i always wondered. until that day.

    after the weird noise on my radio the signal changed and i was in the middle of hearing what appeared to be a trans-atlantic meeting/presentation about oil trade. i could here beeping microphones, people talking about a powerpoint presentation and switching to some vip's overseas, who then started their lectures or whatever it was.

    it was jsut flares of information i got, but i am dead certain it was not supposed to leak out on open radio frequencies haha..

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