Site Crit

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • 9 Responses
  • Nairn0

    Is it a Christian organisation?

    'New Customers' tease - headlines spilling over.
    Rubbishy Dreamweaver Code? (Delay in rollovers)
    Personally, I'd match the left hand rollovers with the main ones - ie. Dim the main text to hilight the secondary, descriptive text)
    Baseline'd 'Introduction' text jars me.
    Navigation Structure indication is messy - how about employing a 'breadcrumb' or something to let visitors know 'where they are'?
    What's the logic behind the 'inset' left-hand nav buttons and drop shadows? Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't? - In fact, Left hand nav is generally inconsistent (Home vs. Profile)
    Register/Login, Privacy Policy, Terms & Click here for Registration just dumped on as text links?
    Client Zone Padlock rollover moves.
    Testimonial section could do with a picture of a a happy family, smiling manically (in fact., is there one on there? I can see a single pixel image-end on right hand side... just no picture)

    Quite glossy.

    Good colour distinction.
    If it were more consistent throughout it would feel professional.
    Feels like a family site.

    Good Luck!

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