Rice arrives in Lebanon

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • KuzII0

    A summary of Ms Rice's trip to Israel:

    RICE: Hey Israel, well done on widening the conflict to Lebanon. You’re a useful ally to have, we didn’t have the guts to reshape the country ourselves, so well done on your own efforts. Only, killing all those civilians and flattening all those villages and cities is making people queezy, can you just tone it down a tad?

    ISRAEL: Never! The Arabs must be taught a lesson not to fuck with the might of Israel!! Muahahahaaa!!

    RICE: Ummmm ok. Oh yeah, here’s some rockets and ammo and shit. But before I give them to you, you have to promise not to keep blowing up convoys of escaping civllians.

    ISRAEL: We cannot make such a promise.

    RICE: Ok, well here’s the rockets anyway. xxx

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