
Out of context: Reply #7

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  • k0na_an0k0

    in wikiki no lie all the locals said 'the duke' bar in the outrigger hotel is the hangout on in wikiki. it just so happened that was the hotel we were staying in.

    snorkling in hana uma bay was amazing.

    if you're going to go watch the sunrise on top of lookout mountain take a fuckin jacket. the ass hotel dude failed to mention (i should have known anyways) that on top of a mountain, even in hawaii it's cold as bloody hell.

    some great small towns and bars up in the northbeach area. TONS of character in some of those places. up by northbeach there is a pizza joint frequented by pro surfers. met some dudes from australia.

    from what i understood there isn't much to do as far as work. seemed like wikiki was the only business area on the whole island.

    most of all. enjoy yourself and if you're ever on the beach in wikiki do not ever lose sight of your belongings. there are kids on that island who's sole purpose is to act innocent, steal your shit, give it to their parents and they get a dollar for each bag stolen. theivery is fuckin crazy there.

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