las vegas

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • k0na_an0k0


    while you each might have to pay a bit more for a plane ticket, you can all save on the room cost. put up 5 or so guys in each room and you can all pitch in to save some cash. really, all you'll be using your room for is to shower in, maybe sleep, and a place to keep your clothes. odds are you all won't be sleeping in there at once. and if you are... you're a bunch of girls. haha.

    if the tangerine is finished by august go there. it's a fantastic bar. make you way to the back deck and bypass the dance floor. then, i think every hour they have a burlesque (sp?) show. very nice.

    the spearamint rhyno is probably the strip club you'll want to go to. drop the extra cash, take a limo and your cover may be comped. with over 200 girls on any given night you can say no to dances all night and not have to drop the $15 per dance if you don't want to.

    in august it will be hot as a mother fucker. when booking a hotel room look into their pool. ny ny is a fantastic hotel, but, after 1pm the towers block the sunlight from the pool, so the whole thing is in the shade. which, no one likes as they all want to get a tan.

    have fun man.

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