Art Institute?

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • ornj0

    I'm finishing up at Drexel University in Philly. You come out of the Graphic Design or Digital Media program from here with a Bachelor of Science so you can apply that pretty much everywhere. Also there is a co-op program. They tell you it's strong and that's true for other industries. For Graphic Design or Digital Media you would want to go find your own co-op or risk being on bitch detail for 6 months. Also you want to be damn sure it's what you want because the credits don’t transfer because Drexel runs on a different cycle.

    The only bad things I have to say about Drexel's program are that a lot of the teachers have very limited knowledge and are basically only two steps ahead of you. Mostly these are just the adjuncts and if you get stuck with one for a class they are pretty much useless. The actual professors for the most part are people who actually work in the industry so they can usually give you some great suggestions if they can't help you directly. Also the Digital Media program at least tends to listen to the students TOO much. They make decisions concerning curriculum changes on the opinions of incoming freshman. I don't understand why you would take the opinion of some teenage kid who's only experience is the web site for his dad's landscaping company and a "logo" he thought was appropriate to design in Photoshop.

    That aside, the school has a good reputation, especially in the surrounding area. Every one knows how technical the school is. Your entire experience there is very hands on so you come out knowing what you are doing on the technical side.

    One more note, Drexel doesn’t require a portfolio so you do have those kids who’s drawing skills aren’t much beyond drawing a stick figure and Drexel requires you to take very few fine art courses. The kids who focus on 3D are in for a rude awakening when companies ask for traditional art examples.

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