Critique my portfolio

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • 18 Responses
  • tommyo0

    Drudge...I came back onto this site after a long hiatus and well...I promised myself that I'd participate in crit threads and skip the bs here goes.

    Start over. I'm not trying to be a dick, but usually when you start fresh you'll see new things and gain a perspective on your past designs. Looking at your site, there aren't just a 'few' things that you can do to make this site usable, informative and pleasing to the eye. Do yourself a favor and check out some books on grid systems, if you can, get your hands on 'Grid Systems in Graphic Design by Josef Muller Brockman'.

    Take some time and really think out the content deadends you currently have going on...i.e. your portfolio says something along the lines of 'here you can view our work...' but there isn't any way to view the work...just a popup list that tells people what you can do.

    I don't know what your background is, but it seems like design is something that you are passionate about. But it seems that you lack the experience to really exert a thought out plan of attack. Which is perfectly okay, we've all been at this stage. Keep it up, this is a fun stage to be at, frustrating, but fun.


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