Immigration Protest

Out of context: Reply #665

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  • PonyBoy0

    yeehaw! my gran-pappy fought for the south in the civil war to keep them niggers on the plantations! i'm so proud of ma heritage!

    The United States invaded, conquered and ANNEXED half of Mexico. You people complaining that Spanish is becoming a second language in the US crack me up. Like the blood of the Anglo-Saxons is soaked in the Sierra Nevada. Sorry homes, but all the Texas black gold, California - the 7th biggest economiy in the world with its lucrative access to Asian markets - all o' dat was stolen by the Gringos down the barrel of a gun. They didn't take no citizenship test to steal half of Mexico! I guess it's all come full circle.

    The last two hundred years of US history has been preoccupied with beating down Latin America and the Gringos complain when the brown-skins come back lookin for a piece. Tight.

    (Apr 20 06, 10:33)


    hey wildflower - welcome to 2006 - you going to hold onto the past and bring up anti-american shit w/each post? If so - be sure to preface each post w/EVERY country's shitty pasts etc and include every instance of annexation and historical latin american incedent that has ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING CONNECTION TO THIS CONVERSATION AT ALL.


    it's 2006 - build yourself a 'wayback' machine and hop in... see if you can find a way of stopping all the horrible things that the current day... NOW LIVING AMERICANS had NOTHING to do with.

    I'm sick of that bullshit arguement too... you too are a racist - calling out your bullshit anglo-saxon references and evil american historical instances of the past - specifically against the Latin community...

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