Immigration Protest

Out of context: Reply #662

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  • PonyBoy0

    " but I was raised to help those in need and I was raised to never care about the color of a persons skin "

    Enter response:

    skin color, huh?... you haaaaad to go there again... didn't you.

    you were raised a certain way... blah blah blah... so was I! so was everyone else in this thread...

    ... but you're still skipping over the simple fact that this IS a big deal and that your blantant lack of respect for this fact is very pathetic... and dare I say... offensive?

    cruz... the fact is - YOU DID CUT IN LINE... when there are others over here legally... NT'ers at that (I won't name names... but just that you know you're pissing off more than just a few dumb american fellas in this thread)... that came to this country through the proper channels...

    ... some have had to deal w/the fear of losing their work visas etc... yet they continue to hang in there and follow the proper channels.

    hey cruz - I need heart surgery... for real - and I can't pay for it. I REALLY need it... and will have to find a way to get it in the next few years...

    ... would it be right of me - when there's a bunch more people in line also... who are paying their insurance etc... to 1.) cut in front of them... and demand they let me get my operation first... AND FREE OF CHARGE?

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