New 2advanced

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • WayneKerr0

    I said to myself "self?"

    yeah, them 2A punks are truly loosing it.....I mean c'mon! These beeotches have been riding on the coat tails of that ej character being published...what? A few times?

    It should be known that any book deal was purely based on some editor trying to meet some deadline in gettin (another) Flash book to press for a few $$$'s and having a boner for some supposed Flash guru.

    Design is not all about's so much deeper.

    2A is nothing short of a crack whore in the playground of life.

    It's true: all you have to do is spend 5 minutes with some wingnut named Antony Novak (supposed exec) COO of 2A. His IQ is measured by his dick size.....I know this from a girl he dated (albeit briefly) named "D"

    If 2A were to ever approach my company for design.....or if I knew anybody who asked if I would refer response would be "Look,'s not you. it's me!......well....actually.....IT IS 2A......I just cannot stand 2A anymore! They are needy, they require too much and do too little, they bitch and complain constantly and if they don't get an ever increasing allowance, they break down, fail and refuse to execute DESIGN!

    2A-- You crack-whoreitude has gone beyond all extremes and it's time to part ways. Adobe? Microsoft Acrylic? Apple? Calgon? TAKE ME AWAY!!!!

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