Seal Cull 2006

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • 17 Responses
  • brumski0

    oh, save it.

    people like you would rather see the people of those communities starve than a seal pup harmed.

    Sure, a little compassion is what's in order, but where does it stop? If you ban the culls, then what?
    People have no jobs, nowhere to go and are basically welfare cases - who cares! the seals are free! yay!

    Banning the hunt would kill the people of the region, their heritage, and send the message that they and their ancestors are barbarians.

    Get in touch with reality.

    And don't even get me started on those fucking celebrities... right cunts, they are. McCartney and his peg-leg wife can cry all they want and then throw in the so-called 'tip' to the government saying *you can compensate the people of the region for lost revenue* -- fuck.... Sir Paul's got enough money to buy the whole region outright. Until he offers up every one of his last pennies, has he? Until he does, I'll think he's as serious as a midget in a height competition.

    the only thing i would suggest to do, is to return to the days where there were no ice tankers, no huge nets, no gross disadvantages. make the hunt truly like it was many many years ago. I'd support that, because it honors the tradition of the hunt and would kill far fewer seals.

    but then again, you'd still have pamela anderson sipping starbucks in a bikini, saying *stop the torture* while going back to her cozy mansion.

    shit. suffering her intelligence is torture enough, isn't it?

    peace, love, end poverty, etc. like John Lennon said.

    Just don't offer up a penny of your own for it.

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