killer Sentenced

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • 4cY0

    he need to be put through some serious suffering and torturing.
    (Mar 15 06, 15:32)

    my god you people are scary.

    it DOES not change anything, anything. ANYTHING at all.

    lock him up.

    don't hate for hate.

    don't hate for self-righteousness and satisfaction.

    but hey, what am i doing in this thread.

    thank god i deal with more enlightened souls in reality.

    i have been through extremely traumatic matter in my youth, but i don't need the one to be killed, tortured or anything.

    i want the person to be harmless and helped.

    and if that's not possible, the person needs to be institutionalised for safety.

    in my case, there's no need for it, since the person is harmless now.

    i won't go into anymore details but people screaming for torture and rape and murder as JUSTIFICATION makes me sick to my stomach.

    back to the middle ages. public hangings.

    we'll all feel so damn JUSTIFIED.

    for christs sake.

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