degrees in design

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • todelete__20

    Having a degree is very important, using it correctly is more important though.

    Back in the late 90s anyone with a bit of 'HTML' knowledge would get hired. Everyone and their mothers knew how to code with the help of an HTML for dummies book. Then dot com went dot bomb, and much like a forest fire, all the dead trees at the bottom, and the overgrown brush was burned off. In 2000 - about 2003 everyone was asking for a degree to help weed out the morons 'who took a class once.'

    Anyone can be taught code, it's much harder to be a good designer.

    I think today having a good portfolio is a bit better than having a degree. If you have great work, you might be able to get away with it. If you have sub par work your degree won't mean a thing.

    Good luck on your job search.

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