Muslims/Followers of Islam

Out of context: Reply #461

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  • flagellum0

    "The formation of Adolf Hitler’s deranged philosophy is no mystery, for he simply combined
    the atheistic philosophies of Nietche and Darwin, mixed in occult Aryan beliefs, and carried
    out this deadly mixture of atheism and Satanism to its logical conclusions. Through his
    impassioned speeches and iron-fisted policies Hitler wooed millions of Germans with his
    philosophy and coerced millions of others into silence in spite of horrible atrocities, because
    they knew that to oppose him or his well-oiled Nazi Gestapo meant imprisonment, torture,
    and death.
    Darwinism gave Hitler the psychological and social justification for treating people like
    animals because, according to evolution, human beings are simply highly evolved animals
    and merely products of time and chance. His view was that Jews were inferior culls of
    human society, who were the cause of the economic problems of Germany. He believed
    that Germans were the pure Aryan race, who would become the “uber mensch” (super
    man). This Darwinistic perspective gave him the justification to destroy the Jews for the
    greater good of the human race. This was also the justification for using Jews and other socalled
    culls of human society, like Gypsies and Poles, for inhumane medical experiments.
    Because of this evolutionary grading system, Darwinism fosters racism and intolerance."…

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