I just don't get it...

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • Dublao70

    I'm having the exact same problem. One of the girls was favoring me very heavily over her boyfriend, but she never broke it off with him. Not to say that I wanted that to happen. In this case I was only in it for the sex, so I told her this honestly. I didn’t want to cause her more stress, or to think that we had a chance of being anything more than f*ck buddies. She took it surprisingly well and continued seeing me. Then things started to get weird and we had to break it off. (although she did spend the night with me this weekend) With her I feel I simply satisfy her in a way her boyfriend can't, I may in fact be saving their relationship.

    Then there was another girl that had a boyfriend. Only difference here is that I’m super in to her. It may be that I know I can’t have her, but this is like my dream girl. When we had our talk, she told me that she was really attracted to me but she couldn’t see me anymore because it was too hard. I respectfully agreed and have sense only talked to her a few times. UUUGGGH

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