RACISM Orleans

Out of context: Reply #133

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  • mnix210

    Hey, its me again, the originator of this string:

    It seems there have been huge misconceptions from every direction in regards to this post...

    I don't really think anybody really understands whats goin on in New Orleans except for New Orleanians, much less the race issue in the Deep South. If somebody down there has posted a reasonable explanation, then I apologize - I don't have time to read through 127 messages.

    Having relocated to Chicago, having lived in Denver, New York, Chicago, and New Orleans for 6 years, I will say this -

    RACISM will never end. Accepting racism is something everyone in America must accept. It is a matter of realizing this and accepting not the cliché bullshit explanation of everyone's differences that we must embrace – It is the generalization, the stereotyping of people that everyone, in my opinion, must come to grips with.

    Many of my friend are black, they act black, many of my friends are white, they act white. Kanye West sucks, Eminem sucks, Wu Tang rocks, Jet rocks. What else can i say?

    Nagin blew it with his comments, he is not P-Funk and he has not place saying what he said.

    That's that. Can we end this string, please?!?

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