NYC transit strike

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • e-pill0

    so you are saying its ok for these people to strike and hold a major city almost hostage on the transportation that keeps the city alive...what about the people who are life important like doctors, police officers, firemen, nurses what about them? 33,000 people want better lives and they deserve it, but not by a strike. if someone strikes, and the re-action from their action causes not just financial problems for the city but also life threatening in my eyes they are equal to the terrorists that came in september and murdered innocents!!!!

    this happens every single year, every single December this happens where the MTA threatens to go on a strike but at the last second the ysuck it up and cave in and just accept the offers the city makes. but if this keeps happening the MTA never learns and just keeps doing the same thing over and over again.

    the current 33,000 need a lesson to be taught to and this is the time where if a strike happens, then the city needs to use equal force back.

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