
Out of context: Reply #53

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    I just went through this 5 months ago with a 3 year relationship. I wallowed in booze and smoke for all of about 2 weeks which was the time I gave her to figure out where she was going to move to. If I had to do it all over again woman would've been out at first mention of 'i'm not happy anymore'. Because after that she changed from person that I knew to treacherous, lying and manipulative bitch. It was horrible. I did all sorts of stupid things to get her back after that but I was just spinning my wheels and not realising that it was just my cave man pride that was hurt and besides, this person didn't deserve it anyways. But what I did not do was go out and get on the lash. I quit drinking, quit smoking grass, and started working my ass off. I was fucking angry but biking in a rage to a new influx of freelance gigs in town really sorted my head out. Be a rock bottom riser. What does not kill you makes you stronger and will give you the wisdom to deal with the next lucky girl. I used to be scared of love and always took the first swing in relationships but I'm glad I got clobbered as now I realise I have nothing to fear anymore. Now, I've met someone new that ticks all the boxes the other one did not tick and I tick hers as well. So it goes. Spend time with your friends, cry with them, let them comfort you. It's time for you to fall back and let others catch you.

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