Out of context: Reply #17

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  • Jaline0

    I actually like the idea of having each character's story in a different episode every week. Makes it interesting. But seriously, this show is confusing as hell. Last night's episode was probably one of the best, since it seemed to bring back season 1 Lost viewers to the show again. It focused on Kate, by the way.


    But it was pretty weird...with the horse and Sayid telling her about how he saw Walt before Shannon died. They both saw symbols of things, or things that are supposedly dead. And Kate finally made out with Jack, but obviously has feelings for Sawyer. I didn't think she and Sawyer could have a meaningful relationship in season 1, but after watching his character evolve, I think they have a shot. Seriously, Kate and Sawyer are 50x more interesting than Kate and Jack. Jack is okay, but does anyone else think he's really boring?

    //end of analysis

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