
Out of context: Reply #5

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  • madirish0

    i would disagree that it is 'flexible' completly. the company i used to own was considering joing this community and developing sites w/ Mambo exclusivly. we wereweighing several communities along with our own CMS model that was becomming more and more complete. In the end we went with our own, but not after serious debate and research.

    I think the architecture is very limiting and the fact display is not seperate from the data model is silly. yesm there are lots of various 'themes' available, but if you are a designer focused on beuilding quite a bit of, or large scale dynamic sites, i would say mambo is a poor choice if design is a strong consideration for you (which it is seeing you are a designer). I think the data model is certainly robust enough to handle scaling up, performance, ect, but the way in which it is architected has a lot to be desired.

    LAMP rules and it is nothing here that is the problem, i just think Mambo has a poor way of structuring it's code, especially w/ regard to the display code.

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