you serious?

Out of context: Reply #71

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  • paraselene0

    kuz was looking for a strike, but ended up overshooting. he's banned down to ip address now. at least that's the word on the street. i can't even remember who all was in that thread, but the kid was out of line to a certain extent. i stayed out of it because even though i'm pretty damn anti-american, a leopard can't change her spots can she? and he was even offending me. kuz, if you're listening, i'm sorry but it's true. it's one of those things, hey? i can call my mom a slag and me and my brothers and sisters can get together and call our mom a slag, but when the kid from down the block who's mum, let's face it, ain't so pure herself, comes over and calls your mum a slag and, not to mention, everyone in your whole house a slag, well...

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