People who smoke...

Out of context: Reply #85

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  • rory0

    Smoking is a choice and should be a choice. Any anti-smoker who argues about the cost and stupidity etc is only justifying their OWN choice.

    However, the problem here is that many smokers don't quite 'get' that it's inconsiderate to smoke in many situations. Personally I hate second-hand smoke. But its not only becuase its unpleasant; it blocks my nose, goves me sinus and sometimes makes me sneeze. The bottom line is that this situation is anti-social. Its amazing how people (including smokers) find it unacceptable if someone drops a fart on a train platform because it is socially unacceptable. Sure, it stinks. But it doesn't hang around your clothes for hours. The farter didn't choose to fart because they felt a need to satisfy their habit.

    All I ask is that smokers *think* about others and, for example, move off to a quiet part of the platform where nobody else is... and then light up.

    This is very unlikely (sorry to those smokers who DO consider this). You don't need to ban beer because people don't go around spraying beer all over others (except when they're drunk - and thats another argument all together)

    Think about THIS the next time someone drops a rotten one in lift/elevator.


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