God Is Dead

Out of context: Reply #99

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  • TheTick0

    You know all this religion stuff is all about just a few questions - and one of the main ones (other than "Where do I come from?' and "Where am I going?") is "Who's going to take responsibilty for all this crap?"

    Nietzsche's original "God is dead..." line of thinking was that it's about time humans wake up from the religion induced hysteria and start taking some godamn responsibility for what they do and own up to what they are. Quite frankly not all that different from Jesus message - basically you're responsible for your own salvation. Like when Jesus told that guy sell everything you have and give to the poor the guy said "wha...? No way dude!"

    Believe in god, don't believe in him - at the end of the day the choices you make are still yours and you gotta own up to - either to yourself, to your children or to your god.

    Gotta run, karma is burning as we speak...

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