Out of context: Reply #140

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  • Kuz0

    So this one time I was near the Pakistan/Afghan border with me mate and we wanted to go see the smugglers bazaar in this no-mans zone called the tribal area. But we weren’t allowed cos its all dangerous and without any form of law legal status whatsoeva. But we got our rickshaw driver to sneak us passed the police checkpoint and got into the smugglers bazaar. And there were market stalls selling piles and piles of opium and hash, and alcohol, and stolen goods including Mercedes and tv’s, and AK47’s and M16’s and shotguns, and missile launchers, and hand-grenades. And all these pashtun’s crowded around us in amazement that we were there, and were all like “what the fuck are you doing here?” “you wanna get murdered or kidnapped??” And there were 11 year old kids walking round with AK’s. And one young lad sat us down and rolled spliffs with us and we got proper stoned with him on this Charas stuff, and I got the propa paranoia fear. So had to leave immediately. And on’t way back we got stopped by the police. Who pointed shotguns at our rickshaw and hauled our asses outta there. And started screaming at us. “Can’t u read the sign!!?? No foreigners!!”. And we propa had the “fears” cos of the crazy charas, and having guns pointed out of us by looney cops. Only recently sawed them slapping the shit out of a driver for not stopping the car in time. And our eyes were bright red and all stoned dislocation. And he was like “you were buying drugs!! You were buying drugs!!!” And they checked our fingers and nails for any sign of weed, but thankfully we hadn’t rolled any. And they searched us thorough. And found nowt, And then sent us happily on our way. That was fun!

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