Mayor Nola rants!

Out of context: Reply #132

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  • ghandolf0

    I agree about the sick and elderly not being able to evacuate, and the transportation systems, flights out, etc., were all swamped with those seeking a way out, but the evacuation order given beforehand was largely ignored.

    People were told to leave or evacuate to the Superdome. The buses, which were offering 'free' rides out of town, were there the day before the storm, while people were lined up outside the Superdome, choosing to stay there instead. Some buses left empty the day before the storm... bus rides that were free, to the evacuation areas outside of town.

    The following day, after the storm, the offcials went on TV to proclaim they "dodged the big one" - people went to bed.

    ...THEN the levee broke.

    Overnight, the water rose and stranded everyone that survived the storm. People who hunkered down and survived, including the sick in the hospitals, the elderly in nursing homes, etc,. as well as those who chose to stay found themselves stranded by water..

    Are there people that should have listened, and left? Sure.

    Are there people that should have left, but couldn't? Sure.

    Are there people that chose to stay, who really had no choice? Sure.

    Preparing for a storm, and storm damage, is one thing. Preparing for a disaster of this magnitude is another.

    Having to deal with both at once, demands a huge effort. Being shot at, while trying to rescue people is inexcusable. The huge relief effort is underway, but it takes a couple of days to moblize an effort this large.

    Everyone knew that the levee would only withstand a Category 3 hurricane. This was a Cat. 5, and everyone knew it was coming for days.

    The Bush Administration, (as well as prior Administrations) have slashed budgets, and denied requests for Levee fixes and repairs for years. Repairs that would have cost some $10 Million dollars - money that was needed for Homeland Security and for Iraq in the last few years of requests from NOLA.

    Now is will cost BILLions!

    It's many, many things... all coming together at once. There are huge failures and breakdowns of infrastructure, communications, and even some of the police have handed in thier badges, because they also have lost thier homes, and don't feel that stopping people from looting something to eat or drink, and getting shot at, is worth it anymore.

    Once the police set the tone, stating that they couldn't stop people from looting, and were completly overwhelmed, ... the 'tone' had been set.

    Sorry for the long post.
    Pray for them. They will need help for long, long time.

    Enjoy what you have, and be thankful.
    (And thanks, Crouwel for the mp3!)

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