
Out of context: Reply #8

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  • exador10

    this is for real?
    i haven't read something like that in a while...
    s'almost impossible to believe that some people can actually 'HATE' that much...it must be a fulltime job for them or something..
    do they come home at the end of the day, put there feet up on the coffee table and say, wow..i had a full on 8 hours of hate today with no break..i'm totally bushed...and i've got a double shift of hate tomorrow to...


    you'd think they'd get tired of it, and just try being nice and decent for a change, just to see what it's like...

    what i really have never understood is how some folks seem to care so much about what other folks do in privacy..

    who the fuck cares of some one is gay or straight...what possible difference could it make....

    a friend of mine's father just passed away a week ago...he was a minister for the united church here in Canada...awesome guy...
    he was campaigning for gay rights and for gays to be ordained in the church since i was a kid..
    now THAT is a hero..THAT is a man of god i can have some faith in...
    he used to talk to me about morons like Phelps...
    he used to wonder whether they had access to a bible he'd never seen..
    like The Hate Edition™
    or something..

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