Vancouver photobloggers

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • vealemoble0

    Sorry all for the long wait
    here is my two cents

    Well, considering I have worked for the best companies in Nelson. When it comes to Web Design. And if you would have asked me this question about 6 months ago. I would have told you that if you were well known, “community wise” and also willing to sell yourself, you can find work no problem. But within the past 6 months, 3 web design shops have opened up right in town. Which makes it 7 not including all the freelancer’s. And since Selkirk College has its multimedia production and design program in Nelson now, “just completed its first year of grads”. I can safely say it will be harder to start your own shop up. Also to give you a insight on how many people do, or, “think” they can do web design as a job in the Nelson area, when I applied for and was hired at Blue Mandala, I was told that they had interviewed over 40 people for the job as a web designer. Also few girls I know just started up a business doing web design and branding, and they are even having a hard time finding work. I would think the best idea would be to move here, and buy a place to keep your girl friend happy and just live here for the summer. That’s what I am going to do.

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