
Out of context: Reply #40

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  • PonyBoy0

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    ahhhhh... all done.


    I'm really bummed out about that - they told me last week that I was getting the Nitros... but I got nothing but a load of needle pokes everywhere. :(

    But I did get some pergaset..

    ... and I can't hit the bong for 48 hours. :( //I'll be sure to follow that rule.

    they had to drill out the two bottom teeth - one of them had to be cut into thirds... and the YANKING AND TEARING SOUND IN MY HEAD!! Rad!

    for all those who said I needed to man up.. yeah yeah.. .you were right. :)

    I still can't feel my mouth and there is blood all over my shirt. I'm going to keep wearing it the rest of the day just to see the reactions.

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