Out of context: Reply #103

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  • paraselene0

    shit. i've been going grey for at least three years now. that's the least of my worries. and it's okay to lose your hair. it's a little-known secret that girls are actually capable of finding it sexy from time to time.

    i suppose my final analysis is that you never get something for nothing. the aging process is what you make it. the price you pay for your lithe body and immunity to hangovers in your twenties is using those magic powers to wreak havoc upon your own sensibilities.

    the silver lining of the silver fox is that you end up streamlining your entire personality. you no longer do things that you don't want to do for the traditionally silly twenty-something reason that you don't know what you do and do not want to do.

    all of these phases of life are good and necessary. it's a cleansing process. straightening by fire. my favourite kind.

    pardon the loquaciousness. long lunch at the pub. say no more, para! we understand completely.

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