the weekenders...

Out of context: Reply #56

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  • Kuz0

    I was thinking just this the other day. Am reading Kafka’s Amerika on the train where young Czech immigrant has an adventure with hobo’s. And I was finkin, man, whatever happened to the hobo?The tramp, the wanderer, the vagabond, the vagrant, the rustler, the street arab, the drifter, the grifter, the loafer, the urchin, the peddler, the roamer? Well he/she became the “homeless person” in our politically correct times. No longer an object of affection, romanticism, mythology, song etc... but one of pity, scorn, fear, hate etc.. not to say the hobo didn’t get his fair share of pity, scorn, fear, hate; but the homeless person is quite apart. No songs will be written about the homeless person. No stories of mischief will be penned by Kafka on the homeless person. No Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. He is only the object of those people with the “Shelter” badges who try and stop you in the streets to donate money. We shud start calling homeless people tramps again, and urchins IMO. That’s a whole culture of street rats we’ve lost right there.

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