NYC hangover cure

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  • MrAbominable0

    this from Daily Candy a few weeks ago:

    1. Fortify
    Before you leave the house, take the following supplements: 
    * B Complex, which is eaten up from alcohol
    * Milk Thistle, which supports liver function
    * Anti-oxidants, which also get destroyed by booze.

    2. Prehydrate
    While out, drink one glass of water after each alcoholic drink.
    (You knew that, we know. But start doing it!)

    3. Rehydrate. . .The morning after,
    * Drink eight ounces of water with lemon. 
    * Eat oatmeal to clear the acidity of the blood
    * Eat a few cucumbers to rehydrate the system.
    * Have an apple, a pear, and some Acidophilus to adjust the
    to the shock of the alcohol, preventing blemishes and guarding
    against disease. (Sure it's gross. But it's your own darn

    4. Detox
    Later in the day, have some adzuki-bean soup, which helps remove
    alcohol from your blood.

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