
  • aliendn

    not holograms..

    not holograms, but what do you call it when you have those images that change when you hold it at a different angle? they were big…

    Oct 26, 043 replies
  • aliendn

    lorem ipsum

    man this can't be real. I was browsing this book i picked up called "the graphic design cookbook" which is just a book of random l…

    Oct 25, 0411 replies
  • aliendn

    2Tone Ska Bands?

    I know there must be people here that were teens during the punk phase, i was born then so I dont know much about what went …

    Oct 25, 0445 replies
  • aliendn

    pshop preferences

    just gained some knowledge for any of those whose photoshop messes up and instead of doing the replace preferences file thing.

    Oct 25, 040 replies
  • aliendn

    The Clash

    I need to make a Clash mix cd, suggestions please?

    Rudie Can't Fail
    Lost In A supermarket
    Wrong 'Em Boyo

    Oct 25, 0428 replies
  • aliendn

    pshop text color

    someone once posted a trick to change ALL text layers in photoshop by just changing one of the layers. anyone know how to do …

    Oct 24, 042 replies
  • aliendn

    lost in translation

    so far so good. the elevator scene with shorties was funny. but generally it seems like something i think most people relate to in…

    Oct 23, 0423 replies
  • aliendn

    arial vs verdana

    hey noob question

    since most people (non designers i guess) don't have verdana on their systems; when u describe the precedence…

    Oct 23, 0440 replies
  • aliendn


    can u mention some marketing schemes as unique/brilliant as Levi's supergreg?


    Oct 20, 0436 replies
  • aliendn

    InDesign question

    Hey I'm trying to print something, but the print job is a mondo huge ridiculous file size. What settings can i tweak to optimized …

    Oct 20, 042 replies
  • aliendn


    Good books, movies etc? I tried looking for an old thread on the subject but can't find it.


    Oct 19, 0424 replies
  • aliendn


    is this possible? learning indesign 2.0, i dont see jpg as an export option. is it possible with a 3rd party app?

    Oct 19, 043 replies
  • aliendn


    Just saw the movie for the first time on the weekend, it was nice. Did the guy imagine the whole thing? about the girl that kept c…

    Oct 18, 0418 replies
  • aliendn

    1st cassette ever

    what's the first cassettes y'all ever purchased? and im not talking about the ones you dubbed, im talking the first one you ever b…

    Oct 15, 0492 replies
  • aliendn

    postscript errors

    virgin to printing here...

    im using indesign 2 and trying to print onto displaymaker (an old plotter from like 1997) which is o…

    Oct 14, 040 replies
  • aliendn


    Hey, pshop is freezing like a nun on her first date. Its freezing when it starts up at the "Initializing menu" part.

    It's versi…

    Oct 13, 0410 replies
  • aliendn

    desktop pub. book

    hi can anyone recommend an informative desktop publishing book or internet resources that explaing everything from bleeding, trapp…

    Oct 7, 040 replies
  • aliendn

    Poster examples

    Hey, I need to design a poster that includes a lot of medical information and photographs. I was wondering if anyone knows any sit…

    Oct 6, 042 replies
  • aliendn


    Is there an app to do this? I have illustrator, indesign 2.0, word, photoshop at my disposal. there are graphics in the PDF that n…

    Oct 1, 044 replies
  • aliendn

    Pagemaker Help

    Ok stop laughing.

    I know nothing about printing. all i know is that the boss wants me to export a pagemaker file (in 6.5) to a …

    Oct 1, 049 replies