Home break-in / robbery?

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • UKV0

    Once was woken up at 2am by my dog growling. Went downstairs to investigate, and there was a person in my living room facing away from me, with their head down and swaying back and forth in a trance like state. My dog had "him" cornered (140 pound alaskan Malamute - total bad ass of a dog). Pretty creepy methinks, so I grabbed my .45 and let out a shout. When I hit the lights with my weapon drawn, realized it was a 19 year old asian chick wearing next to nothing and blitzed out of her mind. She looked at me and mumbled that she thought it was her house and that her friends dropped her off. My wife came down when I told her it was clear, and she just ran off. Still wonder to this day how she got into my place, but think I must have left the front door unlocked.

    A pic of my dog at the time... not a typical Malamute. Very protective / agressive with strangers (he was a working dog, huge difference over family dogs).

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