Great movies made with a small crew

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  • moldero0

    "Shooting the action-packed, apocalyptic cult film Mad Max was a dangerous venture — and not only because the actors risked their lives during the movie’s many stunt and chase sequences. Director George Miller — who made his feature debut with the Australian genre movie — worked with a meager budget considering the movie’s thrilling sequences (many reports indicate around $350,000/$400,000), and the project could have been a bomb. Before Blair Witch came along, Mad Max was the Guinness titleholder for a movie with the highest profit-to-cost ratio of a motion picture (grossing $100 million worldwide). With the film’s final dollars and cents in mind, it seems funny that Miller could only afford real leather clothing for star Mel Gibson. Also, we’d like to think that Miller would have kept the real-life biker gang in the movie had he worked with a bigger budget at the time."…

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