Steve Ballmer's Nightmare

Out of context: Reply #18

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    #5 is funny...."They [windows phones] all look the same..."

    Uh, have you seen an iPhone? Can't tell the difference between my 4S, my friends 4 or a new 5, for that matter...all the same (as far as I am concerned, really not much different than v.1, imho)

    Personally I am praying for Microsoft and Google to step up the game (so far they are delivering, just at a snail's pace...Apple is just rehashing the same thing, over and over, so it remains to be seen if they can truly innovate again...they did it once, certainly possible, but not inevitable).

    iOS looks archaic to me, almost childish. But it works, and well, so that's why I have it. W8 looks a light year ahead, in terms of design.

    I am routing for MS and Google to squash Apple (I can't stand the closed designs, impossible iTunes, etc.).

    Regardless, competition is good. It is good Apple is being challenged.

    I'll buy the fist device that has the quality build and smoothness in the os. I'll pay for it, too.

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