Album art is dead.

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • Miguex0

    I think album art has evolved to live performance.
    I used to do album covers for vinyl releases, then the CD came and went, and eventually (still do every now and then) beatport thumbnails which is horribly small.

    But where that side of work started to fade away, I started to develop visuals for touring acts (mixing them live, or providing conceptualized pieces by the artists as form of loops that someone else will trigger during the performance)

    In essence (to me at least) is the same thing. A visual interpretation of the music to be presented to an audience that will experience it (at it's best) when the artist's music is playing.

    These days, musi artists are shifting their money to live shows, so Album art is not dead, (and probably will never be) it will continue to shift onto different forms and music delivery continue to evolve.

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