spec vs. samples?

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • ETM0

    However seeing your work process and how efficient you are can be best examined in the review/probationary period. Once sample test is not a true measure. You are not fully embedded in the work environment or process, or with your co-workers/team. Every project is different. Sometimes you struggle, sometimes it's lightning in a bottle. Only time within the actual environment can tell you anything about a person.

    • +1Glitterati_Duane
    • The high-pressure test doesn't so much show your skill but it shows how well you know something. I imagine the tests I've had are only really for entry-level positions, where portfolios can be very deceptive.orrinward2
    • ...the tests I've had are only really for entry-level positions, where portfolios can be very deceptive.orrinward2
    • Regardless, a test, and starting a marketing campaign for them are two VERY different things.ETM

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