USDA v. Lance Armstrong

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • crillix0

    A report on the radio this morning talked about the fact that he will no longer fight the USDA is a sign that he probably doesn't think he could win and that this compromises everything the man worked for including the Livestrong foundation. He went on to mention about how the site shows up for hundreds of medical terms in search engines and hinted ever so slightly at its creditability. Lance stood as the guy who beat cancer, the reporter said, he is no longer that guy. Wait he didn't beat cancer either? son of a.....

    • what are you talking about? did you read his statement?sine
    • Its a bit of sarcasm pointed at the reporters and their blood in the water mentality.crillix
    • Those where the things the report said or eluded to this morning... I think its pretty absurd.crillix
    • I wish he kept fighting the good fight but I don't blame him for wanting to move on.crillix

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