New Aesthetic

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • hansglib0

    I've only skimmed through this, but on a quick glance it seems nothing more than the usual need to make something out of nothing... writers with nothing better to do trying to make sense of (codify, identify, what-have-you) a torrent of non-related material .

    Technology has enabled/emboldened many more people to "create" stuff, whether it has any artistic merit or not. Some people feel the ensuing tsunami of material needs sorting/classifying (though god knows why - who cares?) and "the new aesthetic" is the name they have come up with.

    There is no "new aesthetic" - just new technology. Before instagram (for example), people made marks on paper, some good, some not so good. The thought process is the same, the technology has changed, that's all.

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