The Hunger Games

Out of context: Reply #14

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    I must admit that I never paid to much attention to it as I also thought it would be another teen saga but my wife read the books and told me it was actually a solid plot and that I would enjoy them.

    Have not read the books but I watched the movie today and I must say I liked it. The cast was good (Woody!!!) and I found it to be a direct stab at the Government/System and the way we are "ruled".

    You're out of luck and lost your job? Well guess what, now you're gonna loose your house! Oh, and your insurance is gonna triple next month... and you know what? There is fucking nothing you can do but keep playing the game and try to stay afloat.

    And the moment something or someone is about to step up and challenge or unmask the system, something will always happen. Change of plans, new rules/game, a national threat, a new war or a new "pro-gay" law to keep everyone in their place and walking along (looking like heroes or showing us how much they care of course...)

    Just saying...

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