Hollow Earth theory

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • mikotondria30

    How the hell is the "center of gravity" at a point in between the outer crust and the base of the crust ? This is not how the center of gravity works.
    The center of gravity is still in the middle of the sphere - everything supposedly on the inside surface will still fall towards the middle.
    That level of stupid is absolutely ridiculous.
    Punch yourself hard in the face and never leave the house or turn the computer on, there are real people in the world trying to use their brains and their influence to improve things, or at least get by. This amount of nonsense polluting someone's mind is like a cancer - we cannot tolerate it. It's not an 'alternative' view, it's just utter utter bullshit, unimaginative, unironic, pointless, tedious crap, don't ever go near your computer again.

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